Karu would take quite an interest in Anu'din's gun once he showed it off, the researcher's glimmer in his eyes as he took a look at the mechanics. "Hmmm, that's an interesting little trick you've got. I'm not exactly sure how you tick though, I wouldn't stick any dangerous enchantments in there until we try it out with a dummy first. You know, like a spell that flashes light or something so we know if it'll go off while firing. Nothing I could do by tomorrow unfortunately. The pellets we're developing would fit of course, but I don't exactly no much about you're kind, something weird might happen and make it go off prematurely." he said, tail flicking as he examined the rather advanced looking technology. Back when he was a large dragon he collected interesting things like this. He restrained himself from touching though... barely. "Melting it down would either make the enchantment dissipate or explode, either way I don't recommend it. Would be interesting to try enchanting you, that would be too dangerous though." he said, his food being delivered over to the table. The plate consisted of some roasted meat and plenty of human desserts and treats on the side. He glanced over at the centaur as he moved closer. Giving a bit of an interested glance. "Hmm, haven't see any centaurs in a long time, quite an interesting group Alan has found to accompany me." he sorta said to himself before becoming quite distracted by the sweet smelling slice of pie that was now on the table. Fortunately he had enough magic left in him to magically attach things to his claws, using one to slice pieces and move them to his mouth while the other held on to the table to keep himself stable, unable to stop himself from letting out a quiet pleased rumble at the taste of the first bite.