[center]Erinion Dva 25 Malkavian (dominate) auspex (1), obfuscate (1), dominate (1)[/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/muvbPs6.jpg?1[/img][/center] [center]Being born as a fourth child into a high class family left Erinion barely anything to wish for; new toys, clothes or gifts of all shapes and sizes were a daily occurrence for her. Being home-schooled her days were filled with lessons from highly appraised private teachers or kids her parents brought her to play with and although it seemed like a life one could only dream about, Erinion often found herself wishing otherwise. Her family’s ignorance usually made Eri sneak about, eavesdrop on her siblings and eventually cut her lessons; trips that earned her days of solitude and more often than not harsh words or beating from the hand of her father.[/center] [center]Once enrolled into college Erinion gave her best to fit in, but the years spend alone and the need to overachieve once again left her with barely any to no friends in her life – the vexing need to belong eventually grew into something more. Not thinking twice about it, Erinion reached back into the days of her youth and brought back an array of imaginary people, voices that kept her company. [/center] [center]The Embrace came suddenly. A late night stroll through the campus. A man. A man she thought she knew. A man she would swear was only in her imagination. The words he spoke were exactly what she wanted to hear - luring her further away from the light and ever slowly so closer to his open arms. And even though there was something in her mind telling her to turn away, to walk away that instance, Erinion knew he would never let that happen. She didn’t want to either. Even as his arms gently closed around her and she felt the cold skin rubbing against hers, it didn’t really matter – after all, couldn’t she indulge herself just this one thing? Words, so sweet, whispered, held her in place even after his sweet smile turned into something much more wicked. [/center] [center]The Waking was difficult. Showing her the ropes on how to feed Erinion’s sire left as abruptly as he appeared. Beside the voices she was able to hear to much more clearly now, she was left with but a memory of an amused smile of her sire – like he just made the prank of his life. [/center] [center]~[/center] [center]Erinion is a reserved individual who prefers to keep to herself. Spending most of her time tapping into the Cobweb and listening to erratic messages sometimes leaves her daydreaming for days. Instances like that usually create the need to be overly active – the frenzy often leading to hours spent chasing her hallucinations around the town, maniacal pursuit of finding her maker, or short and unsuccessful tries to make friends with humans that always end up in one or two drained bodies hidden away. Driven only by her thirst and emotions, Erinion’s behavior mostly changes depending on how thirsty or bored she is. A short gift of sire and his sudden departure left her with a lot of unanswered questions and the overwhelming urge to feel accepted – despite that, Erinion often shies away from any contact with her kind, displaying not only distrust but hatred towards the ones she perceives as individuals closely bound with their clan. [/center] [center]Derangements: hallucinations[/center] [center]Personal Goals: Achieve greater power over the Malkavian network[/center] [center]View on humans: Erinion sees humans as food. Food that provides entertainment as she sometimes tends to play with them, but nothing more. She couldn't care less about their state of affairs and the role of vampires in human society.[/center]