He was flying... like a flying skull. It was [i]amazing[/i] though slightly disconcerting. The rope tying him together seemed a bit weak, poorly tied. Pfft, some people just didn't know how to tie a knot. Though he was flying, it was quite entertaining. He focused on the bat. "Hey, can I have your body? Being a head is great but I'd like to have wings. They seem like fun." Then came the Roc, the bat swooped into it's eye and the rope got weaker. As the bat was knocked away the rope gave and he started to fall. Though, in a cruel twist of fate the Roc dived and landed on front of... What's her face. Well, he liked what's her face. She let him fly. Opening his mouth he fell down onto the back of the Roc and clenched his jaw as shut as hard as he could grabbing flesh below feathers. The beast screeched before taking off again. He didn't think this plan [i]quite[/i] through to the end. Oh look, he was flying again.