And that settled that. As she watched the thief making his escape, Arusi was fairly certain that Amon had been saved. No map meant no payment. But... Everyone had seen what Amon had done. Hell, if she was his father she'd boot the young man out of the family at the first chance. Leave him in the street with the rats and the fools. He deserved it, he really did for shooting his mouth off without thinking. She could see it all and she was just going to let it happen... She was letting it happen. [b][color=teal][i]/Uuuugh.../[/i] "Hey Amon. Watch my stand. I'm going for the map."[/color][/b] With that she was off and running, scooping up Rook and Hargh along the way. Her longer strides could keep pace better and the extra weight didn't really bother her. Hauling all her pottery from here, to the kiln, and back again made her more than capable of keeping up in a long distance race. [b][color=teal]"Rake I'm going to need you and... you... your friend to help me corner the thief when he gets to the canyon. You think you can do it?"[/color][/b]