Since Ethan was distracted by watching some of the others fight, his opponent got the first hit in. Despite seemingly being made from light the creature's fist felt real when it hit him in the stomach. He tried to fight back by kneeing it where it's crotch should be but it didn't show a reaction. [i]"Guess they weren't made anatomically correct."[/i] While Ethan was lost in thought the Light creature attacked again, this time imitating his own attack. As he doubled down in pain he got an idea. His opponent however wasn't going to let this change go to waste and slammed both it's hand in the back of the hygorn's neck sending him down to the floor. Ethan realizing he wouldn't win in a fair fight decided to use his advantages. He got up on hands and knees. While keeping one hand on the floor he used his other arm to pull the creature's legs out under it. At the same time he was busy reshaping the concrete into a very pointy stalagmite. End result the creature got impaled and disintegrated.