[CENTER][img]http://s3.roosterteeth.com/assets/store/product_1315409167f.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [u]Important Please Read first:[/u] I'm looking for Rpers who are funny, can improvise and most importantly are dedicated. Otherwise do not post on here. Your unit will not comprise of the current members from the popular series and essentially will start a fresh. This mean that you can have your character act however you want or look however you wish. Oh yeah, one more thing. This rp will contain strong language. [hider=-Opening Data File “Freelancer Project”-] -Recording Start- The Freelancer program was one of the many programs trying to create the 'magic bullet' to win the Great War. The program was designed to create a unit of exemplary soldiers, like the Spartans only less drugged up. Hiring 49 members to participate all with from the military. These members were all given code names after the remaining states in the USA, not including Florida which no longer exists. This unit of 49 was split into smaller divisions, with the first unit being assigned a partner AI for each member. This is your Unit. Each AI has unique traits, as the AIs represented different parts of the human mind for example; Epsilon being memory, and Omega anger. The Great war is the current on going battle between the UNCS and the Covenant. While the Freelancer Project was designed to fight the covenant its main focus has been to stop rebels and other threats that may threaten the overall stability of the Freelancer Project. The project is overseen by the Director, with help by another high ranking member of the Freelancer Project; The Counselor. -Recording End- -Closing Data File “Project Freelancer”-[/hider] Want to join? Or just check it out follow the link here to the OOC. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/80446-before-rvb-there-was-project-freelancer-accepting-css/ooc]Click Here.[/url]