[quote=@SuperTacticalDerp] [hider=William Dagger, The Last Detective.][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/41/f6/b8/41f6b845fc50780d485d80c90fa50227.jpg[/img] Name: William Dagger Alias: "The Last Detective" Age: Forty-five years old Appearance: William Dagger is a six-foot talk caucasian male. Small, almost unnoticeable scars make up most of his completion. Has black colored hair, and stays moderately groomed and well shaven. Wears his father's old grey GCPD Detective Uniform with a grey fedora, giving him an almost film noir appearance. Abilities/Skills: - Genius-level intelligence: Growing up, William was always a bright child and was home-schooled by his mother and father. Fluent in several different languages and has mastery-level comprehension of most subjects. - Tactician: William is always ready for a fight, prepping for any and all situations and lays coming up with back-up plans and finding escape routes. Many would find his compulsion a mental sickness, but to those who have lied close to him find that he is your go-to guy. - Expert Combatant: Having trained under regulatory SWAT protocol and basic military training since the age of nine, William is a deadly hand to hand fighter and capable gunslinger, even to some metahumans. Backstory: William Dagger was born in a small town in Virginia, five years after the events leading to the eventual takeover of the United States by several super-villains. His father, a former detective and SWAT officer in Gotham City, joined the Army as a commanding officer at Fort Brutus just outside of the small country town years before. When everything came to an end, Fort Brutus placed marshal law over the small town and closed it off from the outside for sometime. William's childhood was cut short at the age of nine when the gang known as "The Jokerz" began terrorizing the citizens still living near the fort. Young William was trained to protect himself and others, and found that he was mystified with the ideals of being a detective like Batman, The Question, and at one time his father. To protect and serve, but able to really make a difference and hopefully find the true source of evil and destroy it at it's core. At the age of twenty, after years of painstaking training and coming into his own, William's mother was killed by The Jokerz. The manic gang had planted Joker Gas bombs all over town, and set them off just for the giggles. William's father was gunned down by even more Jokerz years later, who raided Fort Brutus by night and slaughter every soldier. Now with no one to protect the town, most people tried to caravan out towards Tower's Fall hoping to find some kind of safe haven there. William took his father's old uniform and two of his revolvers and struck out on his own, looking for the Jokerz who had slayed his family. For twenty years, William couldn't find a single lead until a small desperate excursion to Joker Land finally gave him the information he needed. Leaving several bodies in his wake, "The Last Detective" was captured by several Deathtroopers and sent to Pandemonium. But luckily, that was exactly what he wanted. Sample Post: Twelve Jokerz laid in a pool of their own blood, either dead, nearly dead, or laughing through their last breaths. One Joker still remained, the runt of the liter. William could remember his face, seeing him back near Fort Brutus with blood splattered all over his purple overalls and white face-paint all those years ago. "You won't make me talk man!," the jittery bastard shouted. "I ain't ever gun' never talk to you man! I swear!" "Works for me," William replied as he lifted his revolver over the clown's knee and fired. The bullet ripped through the Joker's leg instantly, unleashing a pained laugh from the psychopath. Blood red tears dripped down his eyes as he just kept on laughing. It seemed almost as natural as breathing for the lunatic. "M...Mr. J says, 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but bullets can always be pulled out!'," the Joker continued as he bellowed an even harder laugh. William hated this person,...no, this thing. "Why did you do it," he questioned as he paced around the downed clown, spinning the chamber of his revolver. He didn't care what The Jokerz motives were. He knew why and how and when, but he just wanted to hear it from this bastard. He wanted the facts. Not just some hearsay bull there just to make him feel some sort of closure. He wanted it straight from the source. "Mr. J also likes to talk about how snitches will get their intestines ripped out of their asses, so no. Nononononononononononono!" William grunted and looked out from the small shack this group of gang members had been using for a base and noticed the spotlight of a military helicopter. No, paramilitary. Deathtroopers. "Well lookie look!," the clown shouted in joy, "looks like I ain't haven't to answer not nothin'." "Sounds about right," William replied as he slammed the chamber back into his revolver. One shot left. "This is what is about to happen amigo. You are going to die! End of story! A masterpiece if I do say so myself!!" "No." The Joker stopped dead silent, even it's incisive laughter stopping in it's tracks. He looked up to William, who now had his revolver dead against the clown's temple. William Dagger knew what came next. He would end this pathetic bastard's evil existence, walk outside, and surrender. If he was lucky he would be sent to the work camps down in Mexico, or what was left of it. He would need an alias, in case he had family in other parts of the country who were still alive and unharmed for now. He'd been working on one for a while, but one name just came perfectly in mind. [b]The Last Detective.[/b] Notes: Coffee and Angry Orchard Hard-Cider. Never at the same time though.[/hider] [/quote] Personally, I have reservations over the skillset of your character, although his age lessens the blow somewhat, and also how [s]Jackdaw[/s] obviously this is Batman born-again. We're not against characters in this RP eventually taking up the mantles of fallen legends - but personally I'm not sure I want it to be this obvious. However, it's a complete sheet, and also probably my favourite so far (and Wraith has expressed his love as well), so pending input from my colleagues on his power-level, and whether we're comfortable with near-expy characters, consider this an official Roman Approval. [quote=@Mr_pink] [hider=Alexander Mcleman]Name: Alexander 'Alex' Mcleman Age: 43 Appearance: [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/wolfenstein/images/2/20/Wtno-fergus-reid.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140424133455[/img] Alex bears a large burn scar that travels from his cheek down to his chest. His hair is what he calls 'strawberry blonde' but in fact, it is ginger. His hair is messy and usually left as it is when he wakes up. His beard matches his hair in colour but he tends to take more time trimming that than he does his hair. He can usually be seen wearing his fathers "Glasgow" T-shirt with a ragged jacket over it. He also wears old, slightly torn jeans that are upturned at the feet. On his feet he wears regular old boots. He stands at 5 foot 10 and weighs around 75kg. He bears a bit of muscle on his arms but not as much as he did in his youth. Abilities/Skills: Alex is a master engineer, capable of creating, repairing and modifying weapons using minimal equipment. That being said, he is also quite good at utilizing these weapons and is a crackshot with a rifle. Alex also knows some hand to hand combat, but not enough to pose a major threat to someone who had been properly trained in it. Backstory: (Who are you? Where did you come from and how did you get thrown in prison.) Sample Post: (Be sure to show off your character's personality here and maybe some of their abilities. If you need an idea for this post, why not cover the day you were imprisoned.) Notes: Irn-Bru, of course.[/hider] Unfinished [/quote] Ew, formatting. Can anyone say "wall of text"? But for some less superficial concerns, this is another 'good shot/skilled cqc combatant', with additional powersets. Someone who can make cool stuff from junk doesn't need to be a good shot or a martial artist, they just need the salvaged equipment of a deathcruiser to turn into a mini-nuke launcher that blows up a hammer imbued with a world-stone so that his teammate can grab it and harness the power of friendship and bitching one-liners to use purple to blow up Lee Pace. What I'm saying is, Rocket Raccoon is cooler than this character right now. [quote=@Altered Tundra] [hider]WIP [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/yenXZUD.jpg[/img][/center] [B]Name: [/B] Jackson Darcone [B]Alias:[/B] He has been known to don the alias of “White Blaze” [B]Age:[/B] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [INDENT] Jackson has a lean build to him, which means he doesn’t have a lot of muscle on him. That isn’t to say that he doesn’t have msucle, just not as much of say, someone who works out constantly. He has white skin and a mixture of brown and blonde hair. It comes to be about neck length. His bangs cover most of his forehead. The sides of his head is shaved like a buzz-cut. He has soft green eyes that tell of where he’s been and who he is. His height and weight are average -- 5’7 and 150lbs respectively. His attire is pretty normal, given the circumstances. He wears loose yet fit black pants that are held snug at his waistline by a series of belts. He wears a brown-colored tank top. Over it is a black leather jacket that comes with a hood that also has several latches to hold various items. He also has a scarf-like item around his neck that he can use to conceal his face in case of events that he needs to do as such. [/INDENT] [B]Abilities/Skills:[/B] [INDENT]White Fire Manipulation: Jackson is able to manipulate the hottest type of fire known to man and that is the White Flame. With it, he can utilize high temperatures to incinerate almost anything, reducing it to ashes. He is highly skilled in this skill, so he is able to control the white fire and choose which body part of a human being he wants to reduce to ashes. He is, however, only limited to organic and inorganic materials, but metal is suspect to it as well. Depending on the size of the object/person, it may take time for it/them to be completely reduced to ashes. There‘s also the aspect of whether said person can manipulate ashes. Jackson can manipulate the white flames in such ways that he can increase the kinetic energy of atoms and molecules, causing them to ignite. This process creates heat and light, which would also be at Jackson’s disposal. However, he is also suspect to becoming lit like a Christmas tree if he isn’t careful. Other such skills that Jackson can use while using his White Fire is that he can draw fire breath from his mouth and use it to attack his foes, release the white fire in the form of fireballs or heat vision. All of these come with minimal cost, so he uses them repeatedly. It’s actually the more common usage of his power. Even though he has proved to be highly skilled with this ability, there are still feats that Jackson hasn’t even begun to tap into. He’s heard of people who have fully-mastered this ability that were able to actually use the white fire as means of purification. He knows of one type of fire power that does that and it’s called Holy Fire. He’s heard of people being able to remove evil or darkness from an object or person with as much of a single touch. It’s feats like those that make Jackson want to keep training and hopefully learn from such people so that he can learn the more advanced skills of his ability. Though, he is pretty close to being able to summon beings of fire and light. It’s just not there yet. [/INDENT] [B]Backstory:[/B] [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]Sample Post:[/B] (Be sure to show off your character's personality here and maybe some of their abilities. If you need an idea for this post, why not cover the day you were imprisoned.) [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]Notes:[/B] (Anything else you wish to add. *wink wink*) [INDENT][/INDENT] [/hider] [/quote] So my main concern is how your character is probably the most powerful one on the roster right now but you mention how he's not even reached 'untapped levels' of power. Which is worrying when so far his power is 'create fire that burns literally everything' and he has dragon breath and fireballs that, and I quote, "come at minimal cost". So cool off. Also that magi had fire first so maybe another powerset entirely? Because right now I'd straight up reject yours for either reason. The adventure has continued! Is it obvious I'm doing this in the sun with a lot of beer?