updated Wendy's first impression thing to include kayin [@XLegs] Oh yeah, what you have there is something I can see working out for both of them. I think Wendy would definitely enjoy Phoebe's company, even though there is such a big age gap because Phoebe seems to be really spunky and energetic, and Wendy would find that just a tad amusing. I can see Wendy filling the role of a 'mother-figure' for Phoebe too, because Wendy kind of instinctively tries to take care of people, especially those younger than her-you could say that it's kind of a side effect of her power and her interest in medicine, I guess. I can also see the two spending a lot of time together whenever there isn't anything going on, just to have another person to talk to. Let me know what else you want to add on to this and your earlier post!