[centre][h1][b]Welcome[/b][/h1] [i]to the universe...[/i][/centre] The Supreme Cosmic Entity is at it again, stitching together the fabric for a brand new universe. With every pass of the cosmic needle the universe comes that much closer to completion, but before then there's one little thing that must not be forgotten: bringing in a pantheon to keep an eye on the thing! This is where you come in. The Not-So-Supreme Cosmic Entities, you've been called in to oversee the latest in the SCE's grand collection. As gods, you'll be responsible for the stability of the universe, seeing to any tears in the fabric and generally trying to keep the ol' Supreme Cosmic Stick-Up-the-Butt off your case. But, as they say, with great responsibility comes great power (or something like that). You've got free run to do whatever you want, so why not do what all gods do best: smiting mortals! Unfortunately, it looks like there are no mortals here to smite. Guess you'll have to put some of that Nigh-Infinite Divine Power to use setting some things up first. [center][b][h3]Who are you?[/h3][/b] [i]Somebody important, I bet[/i][/center] What is a god? I'm sure we could get very philosophical answering this question, but this isn't Navel Gazing 101 so we're going to skip that whole conversation and go straight to the meat of it. You are a being of pure cosmic awesome: you may be old, you may be new, but regardless of age you are bigger, stronger, smarter, more magical than literally anything that isn't another god. Keeping universes is your bread and butter; it's literally why you exist. Do note that though gods are infinite, the universes they maintain are not. This may not be your first universe, and chances are good it won't be your last. Some of you may even already be acquainted with each other from previous gigs! Gods come in many forms! Some gods look like people! Some gods look like spiders! Some gods look like an all-encompassing abyss of your every failure and shattered dreams! Some gods look like kittens! If you can imagine it, and sometimes even if you [i]can't[/i] imagine it, it can be a god. Don't... try not to go too crazy with that. A gold robot with laser eyes and a bad comb-over is one thing, but a 12.6-dimensional omniwolf made of legos and swiss cheese is stretching things a bit. [center][h3][b]Welcome[/b][/h3] [i]to the... world?[/i][/center] Gods have free run of an entire universe. That's a lot of space! Often, gods rarely even have to see each other most of the time, much less interact in any meaningful way. Unfortunately, due to the economy and a series of budget cuts, the SCE is working small today. This universe consists of the Sun, which doubles as the SCE's base of command, and one single habitable planet. Creating stuff, especially big stuff like an entire 'nother planet, is a lot of work that nobody wants to do, so you're all gonna have to stake your claims on this one little world. If you're quick, you might even be able to get an entire continent to yourself! The world at start will look like this: [center][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/9b0b4198a1b356c1d1a6b0727a172ae0/tumblr_no60llM2rQ1r222rro1_1280.png[/img][/center] And I will alter it as the game goes on to include any significant geographical features! [center][h3][b]The Phases of Creation[/b][/h3] [i]Only gods last forever[/i][/center] This roleplay will have [i]phases[/i]. They're pretty basic though, so don't worry too much about them. Here's how the order is going to go: [list][*][b][u]Creation:[/u][/b] In this phase, all the big stuff is gonna happen. Altering the landscape to suit your needs, adding little quirks and concepts to the world, making myths, what-ever. At this point mortals do not exist, and they will continue to not exist until the next phase. You are free to lay the groundwork for your race, e.g. sculpting bodies out of clay or preparing other animals to be raised to sentience, but nothing with more than an animal level of intelligence will exist during this phase. [*][b][u]Dawn of Civilization:[/u][/b] This is the real meat of the story right here. At this point, the SCE will allow gods to imbue their creations with intelligence, and you will be free to guide your race however you like. Heroes will appear, nations will rise and fall, and through it all the gods will be working in their mysterious ways. At this point it is very likely that you will develop multiple characters, perhaps a champion of your god, or another notable mortal. You can do pretty much whatever you want, keeping in mind that the Age of Creation is over and done with, but please for the love of SCE if you're going to go all Zeus and Leda on one of your mortals just fade to black. [*][b][u]Armageddon:[/u][/b] The final phase, this is the point where the threads that once held creation together begin to unravel. Guide the mortals to a dignified end, or watch them squirm as the world is consumed in fire and ice. Keep an eye out, however: if there are holes appearing in the universe, there's always the possibility of something sneaking through them... [/list] [center][h3][b]And that's it[/b][/h3] [i]For now...[/i][/center] That is the whole thing right there. So! Ask some questions, let me know if you're interested, and I'll put up a character template or something later and if there's enough interest we'll go build a world. CHARACTER SHEET: [hider=God Template] [b]Name:[/b] The obvious [b]Domain:[/b] Your god's chosen domain, the concepts over which you rule. Gods may have multiple domains, such as a god of the ocean and trade, and more domains may become added to your god as the rp goes on. [b]Personality:[/b] Just a basic outline to help us get to know your god. I won't hold you to this, but it's good to know what we're all getting into before we start. [b]Appearance:[/b] Gods typically have more than one appearance, as there are plenty out there that enjoy taking on mortal disguises for their own purposes. Gods may appear differently to mortals than to their fellow god-kin, so you may want to make a note of that as well. [b]Symbols:[/b] Gods often find themselves associated with materials, shapes, even colors. As with domain, gods can acquire new symbolism as the rp goes on. [b]Trivia:[/b] Anything else that's important about your god. Relationships with other gods for example, or a resume of escapades from past universes, etc. Whatever you'd like here, really. [/hider]