[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/9DoUh96.jpg[/img][/center] [i]“Hah… so this is where we have been running to…” spoke the man in a gentle voice as he jogged across the transparent water with a simple smirk upon his face. His appearance was covered under the stars in this realm… this realm that each led to another one. Each that held a chance of fate, desire, and another destiny within them. “Oh… so they have come to Kite?” said the small child next to the man with the singular horn on the side of his head as he approached the large tree reaching high into the stars above. “More like I had to bring them to Kite… but yes, they are here now child. The tree here is pretty is it not?” “It’s very pretty! How long would it take to reach the top if I were to start climbing it now?” she asked as she looked at it with a gleaming smile. “I doubt you’d ever reach the top, child… for this tree reaches all of those stars you see above.” “R-Really…? B-But you told me that this tree is much younger than you, teacher… So how old are you?!” “Hmmm…” The one horned man tilted his head and looked towards somewhere far away… somewhere that probably only he could see with his eye. After much silence, the little girl pouted causing the man to chuckle, before he gave off an answer. “A long, long time. I’ve been here since there were but only darkness in the skies before us, child.” “S-So… when there were no stars?” “That is correct, dearest.” “Wow… You’re really old then, teacher…” “Oh come on now… I’m not that old.” “Weren’t you lonely being here by yourself?” “No, I wasn’t, for there was a time another by my side. We were like brothers.” “What happened to him, teacher?” “…You’ll find out soon enough, child, when those who have entered Kite meet one another. I do hope they’ll make it here safely to this sacred land.” “I’m sure they will, teacher, because it was you who brought them here after all!” As the two finished talking, the light from the stars finally began to shine upon the shadow covered man, revealing his entire self as he stood smiling with an innocent smile. [/i] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hPtKE7g.jpg[/img][/center] __________________________________________________________________________________________ [i]The world that you were brought into is unlike any that you have seen before. The forest is warm yet cool at the same time, and the air is filled with odd yet refreshing feeling. This world's atmosphere is unlike anything you have seen or sensed before. The air immediately fills your lungs and you can feel yourself being filled with unnatural strength. You can see birds with unnaturally long beaks that look as if they could disembowel themselves breaking open rocks filled with strange worms, who almost immediately begin to eat them while others watch you with curiosity. Not only that, but you can see what appears to be large monkeys with hooked tails and rabbit-like ears watching you from the branches up above... strange creatures indeed. You are definitely no longer on Earth. The most strange thing is that you don't see no other humans nearby, despite the fact that you remember a voice telling you that you [b]indeed[/b] were brought here with others. Although, there's probably no use complaining about it. For now, you're left to your own devices, and the animals don't seem too hostile so far...[/i] [i]So, new dweller of Kite, your fate is in your hands... what is it that you will do? The options are endless.[/i]