Rickie blinked twice, and then shut his eyes again. [b]"Fiveminsmore."[/b] He groaned, upon seeing the scenery. And then, his eyes opened all of a sudden, incorporating himself groggily. [b]"Wha..."[/b] An exclamation escaped his lips. He was apparently in the wild, which was funny, considering how up until yesterday he was in his semi-clean flat sleeping his sorrows away. But that was just the tip of the iceberg. Botany wasn't his expertise but he didn't recognize any sort of the trees who surrounded him. And the monkeys, had they escaped from some sort of transgenic lab or something?. But what really cemented the sensation was a damn bird breaking a FUCKING ROCK right next to him to eat some sort of ROCK worms. The wizened man slapped himself in the face hard. The stinging pain told this was real. This wasn't his world anymore. He now wanted to kick his younger daydreaming self for wanting to live in a fantasy world... never he had expected for it be fulfilled this way. The birds didn't seem raptor birds, the beaks pointed they were some kind of grub feeders and were busy eating the worms in the stones. So Rickie concluded it was best to leave them to their own devices. He was in enough clusterfuck as he was. Well, at least he had the small comfort of wearing some sneakers, jeans, a t-shirt and a jacket. It would've been infinetely more embarrassing to end in a brand new fantasy world in pajamas. [b]"World of endless possibilities...huh."[/b] He muttered to himself. [b]"I wish for a sandwich."[/b] Nothing happened. [b]"Sudo I wish for a sandwich."[/b] Nothing either. [b]"SANDWICH!" [/b]He raised his tone as he waved his hands as if to trying to summon something. [b]"SANDWICHGEDDON!"[/b] He then paused. [b]"I am the bread of my lunch lettuce is my dressing and ham is my grub I have consumed a thousand meals Incapable of loss, wary of weight gain Withstood hunger to make dishes, waiting for dinnertime I have no pangs, this is my sustenance my whole life was UNLIMITED SANDWICH WORKS!"[/b] He screamed on top of his lungs, only to scare a few of the monkeys away. [b]"Ah forget it, guess it doesn't work that way."[/b] He scratched his head, noticing the plumes of smoke that announced at the very least some kind of civilized settlement.[i]If there are others who are in my same predicament, might as well wait there to arrive. They're likely as confused as me and would head there.[/i] He breathed deep and marched towards the village.