[hider=Tessa Sigurd] [center][img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/65fb/th/pre/f/2015/107/1/b/victorian_cyberpunk_outfit_design_by_yuumei-d8q1jkq.jpg[/img] [color=gray] [h1][b][color=darkturquoise][b]Tessa Sigurd[/b][/color][/b][/h1] [h2][color=darkturquoise]The Shadowrunner[/color][/h2] [color=darkturquoise][b]Age[/b][/color] 22 [color=darkturquoise][b]Sex[/b][/color] Female [color=darkturquoise][b]Personality[/b][/color] Tessa is a smart girl who is witty in conversations and crafty in combat. Though she is bright, lots of that is masked by her aggressive and downright blunt attitude. Tessa is a very unfiltered girl and she will say whatever is on her mind. Tessa is warm towards those she trusts. She is downright harsh toward those she doesn't trust or care about, often shutting them down and blatantly telling them that she doesn't care about what they have to say. [color=darkturquoise][b]Backstory[/b][/color] "There was a time when I was normal, when I wore pretty dresses and corsets, attended aristocratic functions and fantasized about my prince that would sweep me off my feet. There was a time when I had a name and a face to go with it, and everybody that I knew smiled at me and regarded me to be precious. But the issue is that that -was- a time. It's all different for me now. When I was young, I had everything a high born daughter could ask for. My father, a renowned general, had ventured off on another one of his conquests, leaving me with my mother and uncle in our estate. I don't know why... But the day my uncle moved into the home, is the same day when I started getting these foreboding feelings of dread. I felt cold, like a chill was running down my spine and it refused to warm. I noticed that the manor had gotten bleaker and everybody in it seemed to be more downtrodden. Our estate guards were frequently being seen falling asleep on duty and nobody felt truly safe. My mother, superstitious as always, had hired a medium on the basis that the manor was haunted. She feared her husband, my father, was killed and his spirit came back restless. We all gathered in the dining room, sitting at the large table as we watched the medium go about his work. I never believed in such things, and I looked at the medium like he was just grabbing our money and playing us for fools. We didn't see my father that night, we saw something worse. The medium's eyes had rolled back into his head and he began to seizure. Before we could even reach him on the other end of the great oaken table, he was dead. My mother was next, foaming out the mouth and bleeding from her ears. She gave me one last look before she too fell. I looked at my uncle, who returned the gaze. I watched as his eyes faded to black and an impossibly wide grin form on his face. He approached me and I was helpless, I was eleven years old at the time. My uncle grabbed me by the arm, despite my cries of mercy and my failed attempts at resisting, he dragged me through the manor. I had realized that my uncle was possessed by something, something the medium must've conjured and whatever it was it was going to kill her like it did her mother and the medium. I was dragged all the way to the front door of the manor, I was petrified, I couldn't even move a muscle. My uncle took a knife from the diner and slit his hand open, his blood didn't pour, it weaved through the air and drew a circle around me. I could hear something in the back of my head, feel invisible hands take my own and keep me held to the floor. He was going to sacrifice me. I was going to die. My possessed uncle stepped up to me, oh god that grin... He placed the knife against my throat, but he didn't slit it. The front door burst open and in came my father, wearing a suit of armor with his rapier in one hand and his flintlock pistol in the other. Next to him was a hooded individual I had never seen. In the blink of an eye, a crossbow bolt had pierced my uncle's head between the eyes, the hooded man had fired it. My father ran up his brother, distraught that his he had to die. The hooded man had told him that he was dead the instant the Dark had entered his body. Fearing that news, my father set his gaze on me. I was laying on the floor, staring at him blankly but taking in everything that was happening. He rushed to me, cradled me in his arms. I heard a voice, it wasn't him nor the hooded man, it was another coming from inside my ears. I thought I too had been possessed, maybe I was. But the man in the hood said I wasn't possessed and that I had come close. He looked me over, and saw the mark on my arm that was identical to his own. Every word coming from their mouths sounded like they were speaking down a tube, my ears were ringing and my vision was scattered. I passed out. When I woke up, I was in a carriage. My father was sitting over me, crying into my mother's kerchief. 'Where are we going?' I asked. He looked at me, placed a hand on my head and said, 'somewhere better for you'. The entire journey was a haze, I heard whispers and that chill that haunted me the day my uncle arrived was still crawling across my spine. I heard the hooded man speak, that's when I realized that this man was a much closer acquaintance to my father than I initially thought. They spoke as they were comrades, or rather, master and apprentice. Who was this man? Where was he taking my father and I? It didn't take long for me get my second question answered, we had arrived in the city of Penumbra. Once there, were taken to an apothecary, somebody else my father and this hooded man knew. He took my heads, they were as cold as death. He took my temperature, just as cold. He mentioned my bright teal eyes, I was confused, my eyes were supposed to be green. He then looked at the mark on my arm, he told me that my destiny was much darker than what was originally planned. My father and the hooded man nodded to one another, and that's when they told me about the fraternity. My father was a great general, but he washed up and his usefulness withered. The fraternity offered him a place after he had his own encounter with the strange creatures called the Dark. The hooded man revealed himself to be a hunter name Balthazar, who had saved my father like he had saved me. I was only eleven, it was difficult for me to understand it all, but they took me to the Fraternity so that I could. I lived among them, but I wasn't one of them. For years I walked the halls of the Fraternity, mingled with the people who populated them and learned from their wisdom. But my father never looked at me the same way, every time I made eye contact, I saw sorrow in his eyes and it made me worry. The chill only got colder for me as I grew older, things I touched felt like I was holding onto a flagpole in the winter time, I knew his sorrow was directed at whatever my affliction was. The whispers never went away, but I had grown used to them. By the time I was seventeen, whatever affliction I was suffering from had changed me. I was cold, not physically, but verbally. I seemed to lack sympathy and I was often talking down to others as my own skills progressed. My father had tried to punish and discipline me for my attitude, but it never worked. He didn't understand what I was going through. I grew closer to Balthazar as he trained me in the ways of hunting. In some ways, Balthazar felt more loving of me than my own father. I knew that he knew what I was going through, like he had seen it before. He always kept the training quarters hot as he knew how terribly cold I was. I'm nineteen years old now, and I had just passed my test to become a huntress. Balthazar cheered for me and offered me a warmth that my now distant father didn't. I feel as though the cold has left me, but I know that it is only in my mind that it has." [color=darkturquoise][b]Aspect[/b][/color] Shadowrunner - Ryza's shadow is able to maintain physical form and move independently from her. While moving in a shaded area, Ryza can move quicker and her wounds regenerate. When her shadow is independent, it runs the risk of turning on its allies. [color=darkturquoise][b]Stats[/b][/color] Strength – C Vitality – D Skill – B Knowledge – A Bloodlust – C Darkness – A [color=darkturquoise][b]Skills[/b][/color] - Tessa is agile and sure footed, as well as very silent - She is quite smart, more so than she might let on. - Her temperature has been cold since the day she was about to be sacrificed. Because of this, it is hard for Tessa to be bothered by low temperatures. [color=darkturquoise][b]Inventory[/b][/color] - Two wrist claws housed in steel black bracers. The claws are folded steel and razor sharp. - A black lacquer hand crossbow with an auto-loading modification installed onto it. - Four small tube-like bombs that emit light in case her shadow turns on her. [/color] [/center] [/hider]