Mai hadn't had time to to respond before the mysterious woman arrived, and at that point her training kicked in. She knew there was probably no chance of her winning this fight, especially since her opponent had the advantage of surprise in this case, and she doubted a hiding spot would last her very long here. Her only real option was to follow Erok, it seemed. The sudden steam interrupted her thoughts as she was cloaked in an obscuring cloud. This was exactly what she needed. She couldn't see where Erok was going so she was just going to have to trust her gut and hope she'd meet up with him again before they left the island. She quickly struck a stance, one foot hitting the sandy beach hard, the other turning as she bent a crumbly, sand statue of herself in front of her, the second movement propelling her away from the water woman and trying to keep the steam between her and her opponent as she fled the beach, watching out in the hopes that she'd see Erok on the way to the town.