[color=greenyellow][center][h2]Cam-Cam[/h2][/center][/color] There was a frown on Cam-Cam's face when the girl rejected his pinky swear, he looked like a sad little child. He glanced down at his pinky for a moment in sadness before he perked his head up looking back at the girl. In an instant, he went back to being his goofy happy self. [color=greenyellow]"You have hat allergies too?...My sister has hat allergies! She doesn't like me messing with her hair too, so I guess you will be my sister from now on! Hehehe~"[/color] The girl spoke nonsense about hair which reminded him of Lily, his twin sister. He made no comment when she spoke in Russian as it was hard enough trying to decrypt what she just said in his head as if it were the secret to the world. He proceeded to follow alongside her anyways to the next town, still persistent on getting food in his belly. [color=greenyellow]"Your name is Pyotr? That's a funny name! My name is E-...I mean Cam-Cam!"[/color] He stated, almost giving away his real name. Then off in the distance he spotted the same boar Pyotr was staring at, he was tempted in chasing after it...maybe a little encouragement from Pyotr will give her the opportunity to plan her escape. [@Lennon79]