[b]Name[/b]: Zambura [b]Domain[/b]: Zambura is often seen as the goddess of cowardice, ugliness and toadyism. [b]Personality[/b]: Feeble and outwardly submissive, Zambura has often been disregarded as far as gods are concerned. Perhaps this isn’t without just reason considering her creations don’t often amount to much and most have resulted in nuisances for everyone else. It’s not that she is without good intentions, she is just a very unfortunate god – think of a cowardly Don Quixote and you roughly have Zambura. [b]Appearance[/b]: Zambura’s primary form is somewhat humanoid from the shoulders up. However she is lacking a face, only a pale yellow fabric covers what most assume to be her cranium. The rest of her body seeps down into a mass of oily fat, with cockroach-like legs protruding from her large body that struggle to drag her weight around. The word often used to describe her is disgusting. When she appears to mortals she prefers to take on the form of a pale, slight-framed boy, seemingly around the age of 9. This suits her so as not to appear threatening or intimidating. In this form she is most able to gather the intel she requires. [b]Symbols[/b]: Nematodes, rotting meat inhabited by maggots, sweat, and any green-brown color. [b]Trivia[/b]: Many attribute the creation of the cockroach to Zambura.