To wake up, one would have first been asleep. And although Coco Dolus was not one for sleeping, he found his eyes flickering open. Then, quickly shut. It was a brief glimspe, but he saw it- he wasn't home. For one, the skies weren't that bright, not where he last found himself falling asleep. Second, the city was never that green. It was a jungle, sure, but of concrete buildings and smoke. The last time he'd seen anything so green was the costume he had to wear once upon a time. Before then, in the forests he and his brother passed on their way home- that memory was just a haze though, and it was hard to concentrate on it when the light was burning over his lids. Coco rolled over, opening his eyes over his own shadow, closing them again as quickly as last time. There was something different. Grass wasn't new, and as his hands grabbed over the greenery, he could almost feel the sun's rays flying off of them. The grass tickled over his calloused fingers, and as he focused on swimming over land, he noticed the difference- the noises weren't the same. There were no shouting, or honking, or shuffling of feet. Taking a deep breath, Coco took in the smell of nature. Not smoke, or food, or rotting rubbish. It smelled of shit and grass and- Coco took a peek, and this time, instead of closing, his eyes widened. "High quality," he found himself muttering under his breath, as his depth perception seemed... better. Closing his left eye, he found- yep. He could still see. Picking himself off the ground with ease, he found other smaller things- he wasn't as weary or tired, and his joints didn't hurt as much, and holy sHIT HIS RIGHT EYE WORKED. Glancing up he found the quick flash of light he'd seen earlier except now he watched in awe at the sights of the tall trees and the screeching birds and the colours full of life and vibrancy. Dark and small, Coco almost felt out of place- no, felt really out of place. The overwhelming amount of information traveling to his mind hurt his eyes, but he refused to close them. Even if he wasn't meant to be here, he would relish it before he was taken back to the streets of grey. "Kumusta," he nodded as a large bird rose it's head and glanced towards him, Coco nodding his head in polite greeting while his eyes took in every bit of light it now could take in. His feet, bare of any shoes and still covered in dust and cuts, slowly started walking past the grass which seemed to hum and wiggle between his toes. As his eyes glanced to the sky, he found a line of smoke- and smoke meant people. Cities. Trash. The small, childish looking man nodded and started towards it, telling himself and the whispering trees beside him, "That's where we'll go then."