[b]Name:[/b] Leopold Oromake [b]Alias:[/b] Spot [b]Age: [/b] 30/50 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]((Sexuality: (Optional)))[/b] Polyamorous [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2007/067/6/5/Wild_Enough_by_darknatasha.jpg[/img] Furry enough to obscure anatomy but wears clothes out of politeness. [img]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n60/demetriknighthawk/leopold-1.png[/img] His letterman's jacket from his old school with wears a fishermans vest full of uselessly useful junk and black khaki cargo pants. [b]Powers:[/b] [u]Adjustable Feline physiology[/u] While the spots and basic anatomy are mostly immutable, he can draw on traits of other feline species for a short time. Leaping twice his height as a leopard, upper arm strength of a tiger, able to emit a roar audible for 5 miles like a lion, things like that all some with a telltale mutation of his physiology if one payes attention to the sudden black stripes or lengthening mane of hair. [u]Portal generation[/u] Just like portal, in A out B. Limit to line of sight within 100 feet of himself so he often keeps a laster pointer/range finder to focus on where to set up a portal on any solid surface. [u]Mild healing factor[/u] He heals four times faster than a human, some speculate this will lead to him having a much shorter lifespan than most. [b]Bio:[/b] One of the lucky few mutants born into expecting parents, son of a lawyer father and 'electronic security consultant' mother. His strange anatomy was not only accepted but embraced and rejoiced, for Leopold Oromake was born into a Japanese furry community. Due to obvious reasons he was home schooled for most his life as the changes kept happening year after year: feet, fur, tail, muzzle, etc. Finally, his body balanced out physically just as puberty came into play and he developed spots like all leopards do but then he started leaving spots all over the house, at first he thought he was shedding polka dots as the worlds lamest power until he tried to connect the dots and his pencil sunk into one spot and came out another. It was at this time that his parents decided to send him to a school for people like him, one the institutes for higher learning in America. It was there that he met a girl named Willow who could phase through solid objects and was down with his leopard look. They became high-school sweethearts until an accident occurred in their powers class where "a trans-phase mater already in semi-flux is instantly trans-located in a wormhole manner". In simpler terms, her already loose particles were fully disjointed and she totally dispersed as she phased through his portal. He blamed himself for the loss and rededicated himself to schoolwork, majoring in English and computer software due to his love of videogames and written works hiding his speech impediments. He graduated in 2000 and in 8 years had his masters in English with a associates in computer programing. In 2007 he sued Valve Corporation for their game "Portal" as it was an absolute perfect replica of his mutant powers, even having gone to the demands of constructing a life sized replica of the portal game to prove the similarities. He was awarded a dollar for every portal game sold (4 million copies of portal/orange box, 1.5 million downloads from steam, 8 million copies of portal 2. $7 million after fees). He worked for many years on his own to develop his portal generating powers while writing various scripts for games and other minor achievements. Where this was his ultimate goal from high school, he had never joined a superpower team or even donned spandex beyond the wrongdoing he would personally witness. Until now as the school's new computer science teacher and substitute English professor. Notes - He has been an active supporter and sponsor of the MSL: Mutant Sports League. A way for super powered individuals to demonstrate their powers in a safe and sane outlet in reflection of great American traditions of family and fair play. Just no letting Daredevil be the umpire.