[h2][center][b][color=f7941d]Geist[/color][/b][/center][/h2] Geist halted as the forest rose up and loomed before them, his eyes trying to pierce the darkness beneath the branches and failing. He followed Dar's example and pulled up his inventory screen, clicking [Torch] and equipping it. The young man was only slightly started as the already-lit tool materialized into his left hand, which had been near his face at the time, but after a moment he realized that it gave off much less heat than he'd expected. [quote=@_Middle_] ... Looking up at the trees, Linc found it being the right time, "Guys, when we make it to the next town," Linc began reluctantly saying, "I will leave. I am not a good player. I don't want to hold you guys back. You guys are by far superior to me. I'll be a burden."... [@Grayscythe][@LupusIntus] [/quote] Geist almost retorted with a snide comment about Linc's 'whining' but thought better of it and bit his tongue; he still needed them both for a little while longer. [color=f7941d]"We'll discuss it when we arrive..."[/color] He said instead, holding the torch before him as he walked slowly into the forest following Dar. [color=f7941d]"No sense in worrying about that... we could all be killed before we even get there."[/color] His voice was calm as he said it, the 'joke' being in his matter-of-fact tone and dismissive shrug. Geist didn't have time to worry about Linc's apparent inferiority complex and would much rather the three of them traveled in complete silence. [@Grayscythe][@_Middle_]