Kirrian woke up, head throbbing and foggy. His sight wasn't much better, everything was blurred out even when he'd manage to get to his feet. Where is he...? He's hearing a voice, yes, but wasn't he supposed to be playing guitar in a park? The more it talked about dangers the more visibly frightened the college kid becomes. The guitarist pulled the scarf he, luckily, still had on him over his mouth and took a look at his surroundings. Wait... Something's strange. It's as if all this has happened before, even though it hasn't. No... No, that's impossible. Although... Kirrian tried to mute out everything except for the birds, standing up and walking a bit. No footsteps. He was right. Re-instating the power, he looked around once more. Somethin else... There's a person nearby? It takes some walking, but... There should be. He took off down the road, wary of things around him. He... Was suprisingly not scared for the situation he was in. A bit shake due to suddenly being pulled... But it could always be worse? Soon though, his audio que came. A loud "[b]SANDWICH![/b]" came from the distance, and the full chant became more and more clear. At a certain range though, Kirrian froze up. Oh right. He's still going to have to [i]talk[/i] to this person. Then some rumbling from behind while in his renewed panicked mind set him off, running towards Rickie. He barely shouted "W-Wait!" in order to make them stop, as well.