[color=0076a3]"Is this necessary?" [/color] Dar interjected. He didn't really like where this conversation was going. It was bad enough that they were currently trekking through a dark forest after they had been told that they were all part of some twisted death game, but did they really need to start potential volatile conversations now? [color=0076a3]"Look, Geist is right, there's no sense in worrying about it. I don't care if you think you're a bad player or a good player, the important thing is that we stay alive and get through this, ok?"[/color] Dar said, trying to mend this rift before it got any bigger. He glanced at both men and then back into the woods as he tried to get his bearings again. Linc did have a point. Geist's nature wasn't exactly pleasant, assuming that's what Linc had been implying. But they had come this far and they didn't need to start turning on each other. Whatever baggage they were all holding could wait until they were in a better place. Up ahead, Dar had thought he spotted movement but it was too dark for him to tell. He didn't want to alarm the others, but he kept a hand on his sword hilt just incase there was trouble. [@LupusIntus][@_Middle_]