[hider=The Rat King] [b]Name:[/b] Creighton Oriax (Really only took the last name since it was better than just having a first name) [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Reincarnated Devil [b]Rank:[/b] Low-Class, was close to being promoted before he withdrew from society. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JpJcsVm.jpg[/img] His eyes are normally just a dark blue, and they only glow when he's about to shift to his rat form. [b]Personality:[/b] Extremely laid back, and very slow to anger, Creighton is, in a word: Mellow. He really couldn’t give a rat’s ass where you came from, though given his past, he has a good bit of trouble trusting most people, women in particular. He’s also the type to try and find amusement wherever he is, often dragging other people along for the ride when he can. His rats share his personality as well, though there are a couple that shatter the mold and gain a personality of their own once he reaches an emotional peak. [b]Evil piece:[/b] Stray Demon/Former Pawn [b]Categorized:[/b] N/A [b]Normal Powers:[/b] Most normal Devil-Based abilities, though his wings have been shredded up and torn apart, the remnants barely visible even when he has them out. He’s also able to stomach eating just about any food, even if it's rotten or spoiled. Not that he likes to. [b]Magical Energy and Powers:[/b] Able to turn into a small, demonic rat through his Sacred Gear. [b]Secret Gear:[/b] [b]Mantle Of Karni Mata:[/b] Takes the form of a large leather and fur coat on his back, which is actually formed of a thousand rats, each of which he is able to control and see through their eyes, and see what they see. Each Rat does have an individual gender, split at an even 50/50, and each only has one eye. Rats with a right eye are female, and left eyes are male. He’s also able to shift his form to blend into the rats, though he’s easily distinguished given that he’s the only one with two eyes. The primary strength of his Sacred Gear lies in its sheer flexibility and defensive nature. While the rats never truly DIE, their souls and bodies return to the cloak, the bodies dissolving instantly. Currently, he is able to pull roughly 500 rats out of his cloak. [b]Revelations:[/b] Upon the death of his King, his sheer loneliness and lack of trust in anybody around him gave birth to the ability to congregate the rats into two separate forms, combining both into identical 4ft 7in rats that are by far more powerful and durable, sacrificing the speed and maneuverability of the individual rats. These two can easily shatter concrete and rend metal with their teeth, and their hides are thick and tough. [b]Balance breaker:[/b] Doesn’t have one yet. [b]Sub Species:[/b] N/A [b]Equipment:[/b] Usually a bag of cheese-dusted crackers. Sometimes they’re mozzarella instead of cheddar. [b]Bio/ History:[/b] Born a street rat, Creighton died a street rat, poor and alone, living amongst filth and grime amidst the streets of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Never knowing who his parents were, or why he was abandoned were the least of his troubles as he struggled to live off what little he got by begging on a street corner, and what wasn’t stolen from him. Going to an orphanage wasn’t an option, as he had a reputation as not only a thief, but as a rather vulgar young boy. Alone, scared, cold, hungry, and sick, he died alone in an alleyway, never even really knowing his name. For the longest time he’d just gone by Pan, as he was always seen begging at a street corner with a small bedpan as his collection tray. But now, it seemed the nameless boy was destined to meet his end without even getting a chance to truly live. Or at least he would have, if he hadn’t caught the eye of a certain demon. Resurrected as a pawn of 2 pieces, new life surged into his cold and broken form, breath returning as he opened his eyes in a home in Bremen, belonging to one Ms. Hildegarde Oriax. Wary of her at first, given how insane the talk of Devils initially was, he eventually warmed up to her, as well as her other servants as most devils tend to do. Working diligently for the woman who was now his master, the woman who he viewed almost like a mother, he fulfilled contracts, handed out fliers, did absolutely everything that was asked of him and did well at it. As a reward for his first job, he was finally given a true name of his own, warming well to the name of Creighton. Being only 12, he affectionately admired his Master, and proved his use despite how young he was in comparison to the other servants. Fulfilling contracts with his sacred gear grew more and more simple as the years grew by, though, it turns out most people have such inane requests, few contracts actually got filled out. Collectively, the Oriax family had failed to gain sufficient standing in the Ranking game, and, given his inexperience and naivete, Creighton in particular failed his team. Years went by without him being able to rank up started to grow on him, and he started wondering if he was worth his Master using her Evil Pieces to resurrect him. Tragedy would cut his wondering short, however, as his Master’s own Queen betrayed her, the lives of his fellow pieces being cut short by the traitor. No one had the strength to stand against the former Queen, even together, and, in an act he still regrets to this day, he fled. He abandoned his friends, his family, his kin, all to escape from the murderer of his Master. Now just a stray Devil, Creighton has wandered the world for a few years, managing to keep his own powers in check out of his drive for revenge, actively trying to grow stronger and gain allies to destroy the one who’d betrayed his clan. A homeless vagabond, he wanders to this day, seeking to grow his sacred gear’s power to new heights, and to someday restore his Master’s name by reaching the high ranks of devilhood. [b]Others:[/b] The male Giant Rat is named Winfield, and the female one is named Ruthie. He has a familiar, but...well…let’s just say he’s scared shitless of it. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g-WFSRXv4M]MURDA MUSIK![/url] [/hider]