Okay. Posted the IC OP, added Kayin to J&R's "First Impressions" thingy, added the "First Impressions" thingy to their CS, made a Character list in the first post of the Character Tab and drank about ten cups of tea and ate five chocolate buns while doing it :newlol [@Bunnita] Well, if they were famous, even if it was just semi-famous, and all that, then people would know of them, right? I purposely kept my world-building rather vague in order for you (the players) to be able to build, too. Also, powers are not "inherited". As I stated in the OP, the mutation that causes the supers to have powers beyond that of human capacities, is completely random; even if two people with the same power had a child together, the chances that the child would have the same power as well is so low that it is considered impossible. It would be a possibility, but one so low that it happening even once, more so [i]twice[/i], would probably be a great sensation spoken of more than the superhero group. .:EDIT:. [@breathing_towers_to_hell] Yeah, well, he has the patience of a saint from dealing with Jacques for so long, so he might actually do it ;)