[u]Akira vs Damian[/u] [b]Vlad Damian[/b] Seating in his throne, he snaps his fingers at the young Esper, releasing a wave of miasma which blocks his vision briefly and then a few stakes erupted from the ground as a warning. [color=ed1c24]"Stakes of Wallachia."[/color] The stakes are 15 meters long in height and as it erupted it shows to kill nature itself. And in the four corners, four stakes have been formed. Still seated on his throne. He explains his magic. [color=ed1c24]"When these stakes are launched, this territory will be mine and no one will enter Vlad Damian. Vlad Damian is able to transform the surrounding areas into the land he rules over as Lord for I, the Vlad Damian reigns superior over all vampires. Did you know....In 1436, Vlad II Dracula ascended the throne of Wallachia? He was ousted in 1442 by rival factions in league with Hungary, but secured Ottoman support for his return by agreeing to pay the tribute to the Sultan.."[/color] Isolated from the rest; he commands more vampire horde on the rest of his teammates. [color=ed1c24]"If you beat me, your friends would live but I guess it would be overkill me to not let you have a companion."[/color] Lots of bats appeared and throws Sunye on Akira.[color=ed1c24] "I guess it is fair on my end. A receiving death of blood and shredded cold."[/color] He rushes to them head on with just melee combat. Damian's actions are vague at the moment.