Aryn's small finger rapped lightly along the cover of a thick leather book, her feet not reaching the ground from the large ornate wooden chair that she sat upon in the great library. The day was fading into night and she'd spend several hours pouring over various spells and incantations in hopes of moving toward her dream of going in search of her mother. Her father was unable to leave because the kingdom would be put in danger if word dispersed that the king had moved from this thrown, plenty of surrounding kingdoms in hope of that occurring so that they might usurp power in his absence. Aryn knew that is would be her journey, no her adventure that would allow her father to have peace of mind and perhaps reignite his hope that not all was lost. He would not allow her to go alone, of that she was assured. She needed a companion of worthy standing. Worry clouded her thoughts as she twirled her long golden hair around her fingers, the silky strands not willing to comply, but slipping away as if holding their own intent and purpose. To have someone beside her for a journey that could put her life in danger and would seemingly take several months meant that she needed someone she could trust. Her father would assign his best soldiers and although they would treat her with respect, they would not engage her in conversation nor keep her company. All decisions would be hers and that had proven less effective in the past seeing that she moved and breathed according to emotion most days instead of sound logic. She knew without a doubt that she wanted Orin to attend with her, but how to get word to him? Her fingers moved from the book to her small lips, her body slumping back in the chair as the soft lantern light above her bathed her in its illumination. He would be quite perfect a companion, namely due to the fact that they'd grown up together in the streets of the city and he knew her better than any other. He could call her to the table of logic and would be willing to remove her title and treat her as an equal, which is what she needed. To be a princess on a journey such as this left her no advantage. She needed to be a Fae and to be paired with a druid would be most wise. She felt a nervous jolt in the pit of her stomach, realizing that it had been quite a long time since she'd seen him. Would he even consider going with her? Had he thought she'd gotten high and mighty and left thought of him in her past where childish friendship belonged? She closed her eyes and tried to imagine him, her soft blonde hair fanning out about her as she huffed a few times. "Child, what are you doing?" Selma, her handmaiden spoke softly and yet Aryn yelped and jumped a good inch off the chair, her eyes opening with fright before a small giggle bubbled up at the silliness of her reaction. "Do forgive me. I was lost in thought," Aryn spoke softly as well, respect for the history around them contained in old books kept her in proper form. "No, forgive me." Selma reached out and touched the younger girls hair. "What were you thinking of that allowed you not to hear my approach?" "Father is considering allowing me to go in search of mother and I will need a companion. I was just trying to decide who knew me well enough to keep me straight, talk with me and protect me while I go." Selma didn't miss a beat in the conversation, but blurted out quickly, "I believe Master Orin would be perfect. That you've not seen him in a while means nothing when you grew up together, young miss, and had so many experiences along the way." Aryn nodded, moving to stand before her chair, her feet bare as they touched to the cold stone ground beneath her. "Yes. I do believe you are correct. Would you ask Jameson to send word to him. I'd have Orin meet me tomorrow at the Vespa fountain on the edge of town near the forest." Selma nodded, her soft grey locks bouncing a little as a smile touched her aged face. "I would be happy to miss." She skirted off and Aryn stood before the table, her eyes scanning another book of spells, but her mind already lost to the adventures that were to come beside one of her best friends - truly her only friend if she were being honest with herself. "Please let him say yes... please."