[color=00aeef]After she finisher her spew, she knew she had said too much. She looked at him, regretting ruining the easy banter that they had been keeping up. His face was somber, the usually smirk slipped from its place, he visually swallowe a lump in his throat and opened his mouth to speak. [color=f26522]"I wont say I understand you."[/color] Balon admitted.[color=f26522] "But I see the position you're in. And I can't make the promise that all the people of our crew, simple passanger or not, has respect for your kind. But I wont let them jeopardize our stay here. Not now."[/color] He turned towards her, putting a hand on her forearm gently, she glanced down at the contact. She couldn't imagine these tattooed scared hands acting out against her cruelly. She looked up at him as he struggled to find the right words. [color=a187be]"Balon, I believe you. But... I am not in a position of power where my opinion really matters.I'm simply a queens guard, and not even a spectacular one. Our Queen-"[/color] she cut herself off, flushing with guilt, feeling like she was betraying her people. [color=a187be]"She doesn't like yourkind[/color],[color=a187be]"[color=00aeef]she whispered[/color], "with her as your enemy you are not as safe here as you think you are."[/color]Glancing out across the land she saw her friend returning with the cook woman. Turning her back on him she went to make her way to the ladder.[color=a187be] "Amphi has returned, we should get back to camp."[/color][/color]