Kishiko - Resolute Archer This was not good in fact it was the opposite of it Magma bullets who the hell heard of magma bullets?!! "Yuuma!!!" She screamed as she extended her wall to cover for Yuuma she might not fully grasp how these Magma bullets work but heat and steel never mixed that was just common sense. With her command the water wall surged forward blocking the bullets which to her surprise just stopped after going through a bit of "This has gone on for way to long!" Kishiko yelled as she dropped the wall to form a large bow the size of herself as she pulled the string taught before releasing the water arrow at the one "clown". Kaname - Confused Sister She hated her sister yes that much was a fact she was always perfect was always the loved one she could do no wrong after all. But to here she was dying really put a damper on her own personal thoughts. She would never wish death upon a family member she was her sister her twin after all and despite her being the apple of her family's eyes she still loved her deep down. "D-d-oes Otou-Sama know this? Sureley there must be something that can be done sister?!! I hated you yes since you were always perfect in their eyes I was nothing of the sort but I would never wish for your DEATH!! Ria I will not pity you no that does not solve anything but fight there must be a solution right? Come on you baka have you given up already??!!!" Justeaze - Budding Scientist "I wouldn't know really what is going on." Justeaze said with a sigh sometimes she wondered what she was doing here. She would rather be somewhere else than dealing with some supposed cult worshiping some black mage. "Situations like this first we must remain calm" she stated calmly as she shifted from foot to foot. "Dylan has a point though it is a shame to see life taken before it's time though beyond that I would suggest to calm down Dylan it does one no good to get mad at what has been done rather we must remain calm so we can end this situation."