-Makoto Aiko/Aikoto- As the girl responded to the boy, he studied the rather peculiar appearing food, finding it to be as weird from looks rather than taste. Even though it was fabricated, he probably had to eat something to keep his energy up and took the plunge, taking a slice of the provisions. Even though there were other events going on, he used this time to distract himself since he felt uncomfortable about trying the food. As he watched the ongoing situation, he took notice of a man fainting on the floor, and Umichi going to assist a lady who just came in take him to his room. [i]Huh, I wonder what happened here. Did that guy trip and knock himself out or was he filled with fatigue since he probably didn't digest any form of sustenance? Then again, do we really need to eat? I'm sure we we won't gain any actual nutrients, only the thought of tasting something familiar to our watery mouths. I guess that means we will die of starvation in reality, unless being force fed by a tube... These thoughts are really just... ugh, it's a fact, but knowing what we are up for is really depressing. Apparently I didn't clear my head well... maybe killing those enemies made it worse."[/i] He grunted at the distressing thoughts he pondered on, putting him into a negative feeling. He appeared a bit pale as he stared at the slice, keeping these agonizing thoughts under the cover of his glasses. Aikoto one he couldn't veil these horrible thoughts and had to let them out sometime, otherwise the wound may fester into a complextion of bumpy, puss-filled ideas. The boy, however, didn't want to spread such volatile thoughts and decided to find someone to release it to... but who, exactly? [i]"I would talk to Ritaka, but I feel I might ruin his mood, plus there are people around so Umichi wouldn't be a good fit. He may be thoughtful, but he is around others. The only person really is Suki, but I wouldn't want to put her in a mood which leaves her with a distasteful thought. I did say those things which sort of annoyed them earlier... ugh, I just harbor lots of of unpleasantness, don't I?[/i] As he left those thoughts continuously roaming, surrounding his mind, more kept piling on top until he felt filled to the brim with unsettling questions. As Aikoto stared blankly at the food, he recalled that he had a piece of food in his hand. Be for he forgot to eat it it, he took a small bite before smiling a little. Eventually he began nibbling a bit on it before eating well sized chunks of the food. Before he knew it, the data vaporized into his mouth, with a blissful look on his face. "... Heh, this is really good actually... I didn't actually figure that this would taste so livid... It sort of lifted my spirits, but only slightly to say the least... Uhm, I'll be right back, I'm going to get a breath of fresh air as I need to prepare myself for the journey tomorrow... Clear my head, and stuff? Er, anyways, I'll be back." With that, he excused himself from his seat and traversed outside the inn, in search of that person he could possibly unleash his thoughts onto. He could only wonder if such a thing was right or realistic in such a time... wait, was what he feeling real or was it a simple trick of the mind. Makoto could only continue to wonder about the plague haunting his mind as he looked upwards. Even though it was pretty, it was emulated to give the sensation of a real night, just as day itself. In hindsight, it made him feel he was already slightly losing his grip on reality, making him worry. The only thing he felt he had to do right now was search and get this muck off of his chest as he took the winding path of this city, searching. What he was searching for was left up to him; looking for the tough girl with a vestige of not needing guardianship, but was that all he was trying to find? His glasses reflected off the night light as his eyes darted around at the npcs who were interacting with the city environment. Their were a few players around from what he discerned, but he didn't care. What he cared for currently was selfish but yet he felt it to be probably necessary. As he walked around, he eventually came upon a glimmering fountain with a familiar lady sitting on the edge of the beautiful display of liquid. He could only pondered between approaching her or just heading back and waiting for the bunches to disperse before speaking to Umichi. Aikoto was already here, so how bad could this turn out? He could only hope he wasn't interrupting her own alone time as he approached her... playing with the fishes? "You look like you're enjoying playing with the fish... Looks kinda fun actually... Erm, mind if I sit with you for a bit? Apologies if I'm interrupting your alone time, it's just... uhm... I felt like letting my thoughts roam a bit more freely... I'll leave if you prefer to stay without company... Also, sorry for earlier today, I guess I really didn't make you feel a bit better..."