[hider=char - Cian Kuze] Name: Cian Kuze Age: 17 Gender: female Race: Human weapon: Ichaival - Is a upgraded Multi Variable Assault Rifle customized to fit any situation it ranges from a sniper, machine gun, to a long barrel rifle(bladed). It has been modified to fire condensed dust bullets creating different effects depending on the dust cartridge. When in active it takes the form of a iron plated briefcase that is carried by a black leather strap. Formerly known as Byakko Ichaival has went through numerous upgrades overhauling the the weapon to perform better under stressful situations. Due to the strenuous events during missions caused damage to the inner workings of byakko. With the reworking of Byakko Cian was forced to make numerous changes as to best use what she had avaliable being able to add a shotgun form to the weapon as well. Specialty: ranged support/gunslinger Semblance: Her semblance is a more defensive oriented one in which it allows her to create a cyan colored honeycombed shaped shield to protect herself and others from life endangering attacks. The barrier though is powered by her resolve and the more she wishes to survive and or protect others the stronger it becomes. Though in theory its a absolute defense she can only keep it up for so long. Personality: Cian can come across as rude at times if not a bit standoffish. She often prefers silence to loud noise though has been making strides to socalize with her fellow peers more often. With that said she has a soft side that is often seldom seen she doesnt like to but when push comes to shove she is more than willing to step up to the plate to deliver. Cian can be called stubborn refusing to quit doing things till she believes she is done this can lead to her overexerting herself at times to a point that isn't healthy. Due to incidents in her past she has a fear of faunus that she is slowly starting to get past but it is a slow progress in the long run. Color: cyan Emblem: [img]http://i.imgur.com/PFyY8qY.png[/img] Appearance: [hider=Cian] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Ptxl6aj.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider]