My application for you're consideration [u][b]Ruhn and the land of Lorak[/b][/u] [hider=God] [u][b]God[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Ruhn (Roo-hin) [b]Dominion(s):[/b] Comedy, Fear, and Mischief as well as their incarnations, Actors, Comedians, Poets, and Criminals [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] Having a rather irritating habit of changing appearance whenever it suits him, Ruhn’s appearance is not definite. However, Ruhn will appear most often as a court jester over 7 feet in height with various outfits, but will change his shape into odd and unsightly amalgamations of various creatures and objects on a whim. [b]Personality:[/b] Viewing the world as a perfect preservation of chaos, Ruhn treats the world as a playground of experiences. Allowing his subjects to do as they please, and exercising his rule over them only when absolutely necessary, Ruhn rules with a lackadaisical touch that is no doubt the cause for Lorak’s anarchical state. He is not in control of his emotions, and prefers it stay that way. Constantly shifting between the fun loving smile and the fear inspiring scowl, some of his subjects have theorized their deity to be insane. Those subjects are usually never seen again. [b]Powers:[/b] Being able to appear and disappear in clouds of smoke allows Ruhn to constantly cause mischief among the populace and other gods, and this is only aided by his ability to disguise himself as any creature and he has through nothing but practice become rather good at voice imitation. [b]Magic Items:[/b] Ruhn possesses a small bauble or false scepter which has the sometimes useless and sometimes useful ability of either striking someone with an lung straining amount of laughter or a mind and body crushing level of fear. Ruhn does not decide which, the bauble is random every time. [b]Mortality:[/b] Ruhn’s body is merely a vessel for his consciousness and his essence. In order to kill Ruhn one and for all, one must destroy his body in it’s entirety. For instance if his whole body was destroyed save for an eyeball, his entire consciousness would still reside in the eye-ball. [/hider] [hider=Nation][u][b]Nation[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Lorak [b]Terrain:[/b] A desolate wasteland constantly ravaged by war, terrible standup comedy acts, dramatic plays that refuse to end and more often than not famine and drought. Nearly all savannah plains and desolate flatland, the terrain of Lorak is dominated by a central plateau on which sits the only city, Dorun, the capital. And beneath this plateau sits the only source of water. A large aquifer that feeds into the various springs and ponds that dot Lorak’s terrain. [b]Wildlife:[/b] An assortment of small mammals and bird, there are no top predators save the humans that call Lorak home. [b]Species:[/b]The humans that call Lorak home are some of the happiest and scariest of the world. Comedians, actors, poets and criminals are an odd mix for a population and there is a pervasive lack of artisan and craftsmen. Food is often hard to come by, and the people’s survival is often left up to what can be stolen, or earned through performance. [b]Culture(s):[/b] As lay down in Ruhn’s hopes for his people, there is only one rule, experience. This “One Commandment” culture is as you could imagine rather chaotic. A true anarchist state, the people only survive by either using each other or helping each other. [b]Capital:[/b] Dorun, the city of Fear and Fun. A sprawling city of coffee houses, nightclubs, casinos and racketeering, Dorun was founded by Ruhn to be a place where artists and criminals could coexist. Where comedians could tell jokes, where actors could act, and poets could embrace the muse. Everyone seems to either be enjoying life together or fighting to the death. A truly awesome sight where Ruhn’s vision the world experience can be realized. [b]Important Individuals:[/b] Lucky Rob the Mayor of Dorun, Sheila The Quick, Boris The Strong [/hider]