Phil quickly dissipated the remaining humanoid attacking Serena and walked up to her. "I'm Sorry, but I needed to know your combat ability. Come on... To your feet" He said in an apologetic voice as he helped the flora elemental to her feet. "Gather up" Phil said to the remaining Elementals. After they were present in front of him, He stated encouragingly "Well done, all of you. Now I know how well most of you can fight. But do know that, even if your not a fighter, I will teach you how to use your element for support. For example..." He turned to Jason before continuing "Your element can be used for many of things; Hiding, Blinding, forging weapons and, with a little practice, you could eventually assassinate enemies who pose a higher threat in fair combat." Phil looked each elemental in the eye as he finished his speech "What I'm getting at is, Combat is only one of the possible things your Elements can be good for. But to get the upper hand over the Vygorns, we need to learn how to use our position and abilities to our advantage." Phil looked over the slightly injured hygorns and he raised his hand. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room became alot more... Calmer. Also, all of they Elemental's wounds healed quickly. Phil lowered his hand and said in realisation "... Do any of you know each other? I mean, more than name and element? Okay, maybe we should do some sharing... This should build a little trust that can go along way. I'd like to know about which backgrounds everyone came from." "You just have the best ideas Phil... Glad we can count on you" Toran said to Phil mentally, which Phil reacted to with an irritated look.