[h1]-On a roof near Cloud 9-[/h1] Gary was a white male in his 20s, he wore a red bandana over his face, a white vest and baggy cargo pants, held by a belt adorned with gun magazines and upon his back was a sheathed katana. Holding a 9mm pistol in his hand, he overlooked the entrance of Cloud 9. A black swirl exited the building, and was nearly missed. Gary put a handheld radio to his mouth. "This is Gary, I saw a Vygorn exit Cloud 9 nightclub." He said. "Right, move your team in and check it out, that place has been abandoned for years why would they be there now?" A crackly voice replied. Gary clicked the button on the side again. "We're moving in, we'll find out what's going on. Gary, out." He said before putting the radio on his belt. He turned around to four other Renegade members. A woman, holding an Uzi, with long, black, silky hair who covered her face in a black gas mask looked to him. "What's going on?" She asked. "We're checking out Cloud 9." Gary said, flatly. A big muscle-y man in a hoodie stood up, holding an iron pipe in his hand. "There's Vygorns down there?" He asked, in a gruff voice. "Might be, one just left the building." Gary replied. "C'mon guys let's move!" He ordered. The members geared up and headed down an access ladder one by one. They stacked up at the entrance of Cloud 9, but the door was left open. After sweeping the room, they found the staircase that lead to the base. Gary lead the group of five and spotted the Elementals. "HANDS UP!!!!!!!" He yelled, pointing his pistol at them. The rest pointed their weapons at them two after fanning out.