Suki looked over at the sound of approaching footsteps, and she smiled in a friendly manor, and nodded, shifting so she could face Aikoto, [color=bc8dbf]"It is fun. The fish seem sweet. It amazes me there can be thing like them in here"[/color] She said, studying Aikoto, [color=bc8dbf]"But you didn't come here to talk about fish. What's wrong?"[/color] She asked, with concern. Suki wasn't a mean, or particularly angry person. She was generally friendly, and caring. The game threw her off, and she didn't now how she was supposed to act. As herself? Warnings from her brothers, her father, about the dangers of the gaming with people you didn't know. But everyone was in the same boat, really. everyone new their real life looks. The only safety you had was your name. And yet, it seemed like such a deceit to hide your name from friends. It was quite a mess of thought. She looked to Aikoto, wondering what was bothering him. She spoke without meaning to, just saying what she thought was on her mind. [color=bc8dbf]"You know, i was worried at first, about what was happening back in the real world. Like about my family, or about what was going to happen to us, our bodies. But then, I thought...we all had to register, right? So then it will be known who we are, where we are and help will be gotten for us. So I guess we really are in it for the long hall, if our bodies can be kept alive. But when we are hungry in game, are we hungry in real life? When we need to sleep, is it because our brains need rest? I guess we will find out, eventually. For now though, we have a goal. Defeat the game"[/color] She fell silent as quickly as she had started speaking, and seemed distant, before shrugging, and looking to Aikoto. [color=bc8dbf]"What did you want to talk about?"[/color] She asked kindly