[@AbigailTenshi] [Center][h3][b][color=f26522]Shinzo Harimaya[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Shinzo looked at Nairin and then laughed when she said she thought that Aya and him were some sort of thing "[color=f26522]Please...even if she wanted it...what makes you think I'd be so easy to give that to her? And hell what makes you think I'd let you sit on me?[/color]" Shinzo then rubbed the back of his head when she mentioned the bar and why he did it which caused him to look off as he spoke "[color=f26522]Eh...guess we can't. Oh well! There are plenty of bars out there...as to why I did that...well[/color]" Shinzo then looked back at Nairin as he continued speaking "[color=f26522]Can't stand guys like that...they make my blood boil and so I was just taking out some anger on that fuckers head by using a bottle...cause why not? He was pissing me off with how he had his hands all over you, treating you like a piece of meat...so...I just bottled the bastard. Don't get the wrong idea though...I just hate seeing men treat women like that...I was brought up to respect women[/color]"