This didn't turn out as well as he'd like. If that man boy hadn't shown up, they could have gotten rid of this small band and cleared out before it stirred the whole building. But this mortal... Fenrir was going to be troublesome. But he'd also be dead if Karnage doesn't get him out of here. And while he'd like nothing more than straining the lifeblood out of him, he wasn't going to let the mortal be the victem of cannibals. At least not until Karnage kills him first. [b]"You! Go find the others!"[/b] Shooting a claw into the horde of demons that were trying, and largely failing, to take down Fenrir, he swung his arm and cleared a path towards the exit. [b]"Go, this is the only time I am going to be helping you! These demons need to be dealt with quickly before their masters take advantage of this!"[/b] But alas, Karnage was a bit too late. Those "masters" were already on the move. Where the other three students were, there were no demons, at least none that were alive. The cannibals, foolhardy as they were, fled long after their brethren faced their ironic deaths of being eaten by the mortal-looking Lucaris. But the stench of their corpses was ripe in the air, and allowed their masters to track them down. Suddenly, the room around Aura, Reiko, and Lucaris grew cold. Deathly so, like they had just walked into a meat freezer. From the shadows stepped three [url=]figures[/url], as grotesque and ugly as the cannibals, but more proportionately human. "Heh hn hn hn hn... You have done well, to stand against so many of my kin. But [i]she[/i] delights in expanding her flock, even after so many have left before. You will join us, no? Or shall you be part of the celebration!?" The ugly humanoid cannibal demon (Henceforth known as the "Cannibal Masters") did not bother to wait for the answers of the students, and took on their combat stances. In doing so many things changed about them and the battlefield. Parts of their limbs became encased in ice-like armor, viciously spiked for lethal damage. The area around them also became cold and the ground slick. Footing would be hard to maintain for the students, but easy for the Cannibal Masters. "Now, we FEAST!" The three masters opened up their attack with a barrage of icicles. Certainly daunting, but the icicles were easy to break. However they were very sharp, and could cut or stab the students if they could not dodge them, and they came in mass. They shattered easily against even wood, such as the various empty boxes and crates that scattered about the warehouse floor, or against the stone support columns.