[center][h1][color=DodgerBlue]John Kingston[/color][/h1][/center] John was just about to step forward to take charge of the heart-to-heart session when the people with guns barged in. His hands quickly found their way into the air. He wasn't necessarily scared of guns, but he knew that he'd get shot to ribbons if he tried anything. Luckily, one of the girls, Serena, used her powers to get the guns away from whoever these people were. "Like Flower Power said. You're trespassing I do believe, so really, the guns are kind of rude. I suggest that if you want to chat about something, you use your words because, and this may come as a surprise, every one of us could kill every one of you and we've had a very stressful day," John said, stepping forward with a renewed confidence due to Serena's use of her powers.