A low rumbling came from Anu'din, punctuated by the sounds of gears grinding. A quick or experienced mind would be able to tell he was laughing. "[b]Aah, I believe that won't be a problem, then,[/b]" he finally said, his laughter abating. "[b]The magic that drives resides here,[/b]" he pointed out by tapping his chest, "[b]and the rest is all machine. After all, what is a man but bones and flesh? His mind is what gives him drive, what gives him his identity. All said, if the pellets can fit, then there should be no problem. I can always check the other mechanisms that are brought to fire them, to be sure. And no, I wouldn't be too keen on trying to enchant my own body. There are some things even I wouldn't try.[/b]" When Sebastian greeted him, Anu'din turned and tilted his head in acknowledgment. "[b]Hello again, Sebastian. The years have treated me somewhat well, though the curse has been quite the pain. Literally. As for what has happened, I've added a small compartment for smelting metals. It lets me spray molten metal from the gun here. Quite a handy trick, I must say.[/b]"