[h1] [color=Crimson] Kiddo & Michael ([@Lady Hawk]) [/color] [/h1]     Kiddo smiled as the voices in his head finally went away. They never really seemed to stop unless he was focused or not hungry, He tended to be hungry a lot. His work left him unable to eat most times, he claimed he didn’t have time for it. His mother sometimes tried to force him to eat. This only ended with yelling and the food on the floor.     Standing up, Kiddo finished off the bag of pretzels and the Big Red. He threw the trash away in a nearby trash can. Letting out a sigh and shoving his hands into his pockets Kiddo began to walk up the stairs to the second floor. He was bored and didn't want to go back to sketching. There was plenty of time for that all year.     As he was walking the halls of the second floor a door flew open. The third door to be in fact. The kid that walked out of it had dark blue eyes, short black hair. He looked to be a little girlish. Kiddo jumped back. After his almost heart attack he began to adjust his bow tie and sleeves again. “Dammit man. You almost killed me. Please watch where you’re going next time. You never know who could be outside.” He forced a small smile, he didn’t want to seem to weird. The kid was beautiful. It made Kiddo happy just thinking about what his insides look like. He wanted to get closer. to the kid, maybe know a little bit about him. Of course he would have to keep the voices on the down low. He didn’t want to take the chances of making a mess and ruining a maybe new found friendship. Kiddo then spoke again. “I must say though. You look good today. Do you mind if I join you wherever you are going? I’m a Freshman and need to get a good layout of the building before classes start.”