[center][h1][i][color=ed1c24]Eric Davis[/color][/i][/h1][/center] Looking from an alleyway across from the odd run-down building that withheld the signs of fresh flora, Eric was really skeptical on whether or not going in would be a good idea. [color=fff200][i]After seeing some '[b]thing[/b]' fly out of there... yeah, I'm definitely not receiving any good vibes right now.[/i][/color] So he decided to wait it out just in case it was some kind of ambush or something playing with his mind. After waiting patiently for a good while, remaining hidden in the shadows behind the confines of a dumpster, he saw someone come out. He couldn't make out the face of him from were he was looking, but he could tell he was a bit flustered as he ruffled through his hair with the addition of low mumbling, then after a few seconds of coming up, he went back down. [color=fff200][i]Ok... Maybe just a few more minutes of waiting wouldn't hurt, hell he looked he could use it too.[/i][/color] Eric thought. While he waited, he thought back to a few hours ago, back to were he was helping out in a local housing area center for the homeless. He enjoyed helping out those in need by trying to keep them plenty feed, safely sheltered, and comfortably warm. He used his power only when needed since it sometimes still had a mind of its own. Then as he was heating up a pot of water to cook with, his vision blurred into a thick blackness as a soft voice spoke into his mind. [color=ed1c24][i]“You possess a power like no other…”[/i][/color] After hearing the voice with a command and the last words of [color=ed1c24][i]"Fire, fire, fire...[/i][/color] Eric snapped back into reality with his hands on the pot. He looked around to see the other kitchen workers around him gasp with wide gawking eyes, the pot no longer contained water as only evaporated water rose into the air. The handles of the pot were now burning hot with a small hue of orangish-red emitting through. Eric quickly took the pot the sink, ran it under the faucet under cold water. He quickly changed out of the white apron, took off the palm burnt rubber gloves, grabbed his green one-strap bag and was out of the building, to avoid being questioned about the event. [i][color=fff200]Maybe telling them probably wouldn't have been so bad... Just maybe.[/color][/i] Eric was so caught up in thinking on how current events got him here, that he barely noticed five figures moving down the set of stairs that the other guy who was there previously for a brief moment, had went down into as well. [i][color=fff200]Ok... go now or don't go at all...[/color][/i] as he watch the last of them enter he sighed in defeat. [i][color=fff200]Better late then never.[/color][/i] Eric thought as he made a quick jog out of the alley way and over towards the building. The sign reading [i][b]'Cloud 9'[/b][/i] was now in front of him. [i][color=fff200]Please... don't make me regret coming here.[/color][/i] He said to himself as he himself made off down the descending steps.