(Updates will be sporadic as things are difficult here and I may not be able to update as often as I'd like.) It wasn't Hana that he was avoiding. He would have happily spent time with her. However that would mean spending time near Urahara and Tessai... which he would not do. He didn't exactly hate the two... but he disliked them even more then he did before hand. Right now he was walking down a street with a scowl on his face that was commonly found on that Kurosaki kids face. He had run into the carrot head and his midget sidekick several times over the last few days and found the two of them to be... odd. They bickered like an old married couple which he found extrememly amusing and even lived together... not that they knew he knew that. Sure she was hiding in his closet but they were still sleeping in the same room. He was about to go get something to eat when he got Hana's text. He briefly wondered how she got his number since he didn't remember giving i to her but brushed this thought aside for now. x[i]I am not going near those two a-holes![/i]x He replied x[i]I'm not saying why as thats something you'll have to ask them yourself. Good luck getting any real answers though.[/i]x He then thought about what he was about to pt in next before just going for it. x[i]I miss you too.[/i]x