[@Kitsune][@LokiLeo789] Sai entered the room after hearing Koyo-shi's response. The most important subject to Sai right now was the member's well-being so she took a moment to give the pair a once-over, her left hand clasping her chin as she stepped closer to the two, scanning their forms. Noticing that Zento seemed to be in tip-top shape, he must of only had a few cuts and bruises, Sai sent him back to the Squad Thirteen barracks and told him that she'd have a chat with him later. She seemed neutral at this point; neither mad nor happy so it would be impossible to tell what her actual mood was. She stepped back and waited for Zento to leave since she wanted to talk to the two of them individually in order to get their honest opinions on what happened. It would of been unfair to have them talk about the situation together since they'd more likely hide any bad opinions of the other out of respect, if they had any that is. Sai wanted full honesty, but she didn't want any negative vibes between any of her members so she kept all of their opinions to herself. She did this with all of her members and have proved that this method was effective since Sai had a way with working things out without highlighting the problem, resulting in the Squad members working together better. Making sure the door was closed, Sai placed both hands on her hips and looked at Koyo-shi, her facial expression softened at the sight of the girl's bandages. [color=a187be][b]"Well... Since you've already told me what happened, I'll let you know that I'm not mad at you for taking on the hollow despite my order for you and Zento to return immediately if something happened. Despite my disappointment at the both of you disobeying me, I am proud of you two. I'm glad that you and Zento worked together to defend your post, but you must know that I only gave the order to return if anything happened because I didn't want the two of you to get drastically hurt. After all, you both are new recruits so I'm still learning your strengths and weaknesses. With that said, you've proved to me today just how strong of a fighter and team-worker you are"[/b][/color] Finally Sai smiled, she didn't want Koyo-shi to feel that she was being guilt-tripped or anything. The Captain spoke honestly herself, she believed that if she wanted her members to be truthful to her, she'd have to do the same with them, to some extent. '[i]Do unto others as you would want done unto yourself[/i]' another saying Sai lived by. [color=a187be][b]"I may of been too soft towards you and Zento, I'm sure you're probably thinking that, however I know now that you're much more capable with handling hollows in a team. I'm glad you managed to make it back in one piece, that's quite impressive for the result of a first mission when having to engage an enemy. As for next time, hopefully you'll become more acquainted with the other Squad members so if you find a problem, you can find a Shinigami at one of the other posts and have them help you out until you're able to handle enemies alone. We'll begin training soon enough and other members of the Squad will be joining the session too, but if there is anything you'd like individual training on, please let me know and we'll make some arrangements. Each individual member of my Squad is important to me, I want to make sure I give you the skills and resources you need to grow stronger and achieve your goals and what-not"[/b][/color] Walking over to an empty chair in the room, Sai took a seat and crossed her right leg over her left, still with a smile. [color=a187be][b]"Now, do you have any questions? And also, what is your opinion on how the mission went? How do you feel yourself and Zento performed? And do you have any more information on the hollow? Such as any irregularities with the hollow or any information on where they made of came from? I ask because sometimes certain hollow that do not behave similarly to a regular hollow can show up on the rare occasion. They may not be much different to a regular hollow and therefore have nothing else to them, but I'd like to make sure that if they seem irregular, I can report to Squad Twelve and let them know just to give them a heads-up. They may already know, but I am the one in charge of the human world, and I have a habit of being more hands-on with what goes on within that world so I like to make sure that I have all the information"[/b][/color] She chuckled lightly, sometimes Sai could be a little too involved but that was how she had ran Squad Thirteen and have been able to tackle any issue that arose within the Human world. She liked to be prepared for any possible situation.