[@Kurisa] Nairin relaxed under the stars, a smirk across her moon-lit face as Shinzo began answering her spoken thoughts. She giggled a little as Shinzo spoke and responded to her question about him and Aya. [color=9932CC][b]"Hey I'm newer than you two, for all I know you two could of been a couple for years or something heheh. Not gunna lie, you can't deny that the pipsqueak is kinda cute hmhm, just annoying as fuck though. And Pfffffft, what makes you think I'd care whether you'd let me sit on you or not? I'd find a way, I always do hehe"[/b][/color] She giggled a little more, her giggles sounding a tiny bit higher pitch that her usual chuckles. Amidst all the giggles, Nairin hiccuped before listening to the rest of Shinzo's speech. [color=9932CC][b]"Well good! We need more bars to go to and to get smashed! And [i]ahhhhh[/i] I see, fair enough. Most guys I see tend to be like that so I'm not even surprised or bothered by them anymore, they're just easy prey to get free drinks from, and I know if one tries to take shit way too far then I can knock 'em out. Most of them are too busy trying to look good to get more sluts rather than try to get stronger so one or two punches can do it, knock them assholes out cold! I will never get why people chase sex and shit like that though. There are more important shit to focus on than fucking. It's really dumb, but that's the world with live in, people like that exist but oh well, ain't no skin off my back so I'm not bothered. I just need just one sound person to talk to and I'm set"[/b][/color] Nairin shrugged, closing her eyes and sighing in relaxation. Alcohol sure was a good stress reliever and if she ended up doing something stupid that she actually wanted to do, it was a good thing to blame too.