[hider=Stormtrooper sergeant] Name:Pherik Kermode Age:53 Class:Stormtrooper Psyker powers:None [u]Equipment[/u] Standard issue Stormtrooper carapace armor MK VII bolter Plasma pistol Guardsmen knife Frag grenades Officer's cap [u]Notable deeds[/u] [b]Lucky sonofabitch[/b]:Early in his career Pherik was thrown from the Inquisitorial Valkyrie on an ork held world. The Inquisitor and others were surprised to see him 2 days later, with the head of the Mekboy who had been coordinating the ork's tellyporta arrays. [b]Argumentative Personality[/b]:After the declaration of Exterminatus on a populated world Pherik nearly came to blows with his inquisitor over what he considered, "an act of extreme immorality and stupidity". Rather than being executed like he expected, Pherik was moved to another Inquisitor's retinue. [b]Slave driver[/b]:Pherik and the squad of Stormtroopers he was with held off a small army of tyranids while an Inquisitor retrieved sensitive information from a doomed outpost for 3 days straight. Mainly because once the sergeant died Pherik took over and made sure none of his men slept, because if even one hadn't been shooting they'd all be dead. [b]Deathwish[/b]:On a chaos held forge world Pherik's squad was ordered to enter a large manufactorum that was heavily guarded and destroy it. Pherik took all the squads explosives befor the mission began and embarked on the suicidal run himself. Miraculously he escaped the explosion, and let the inquisitor know exactly what he thought of people who tried to throw away the lives of his men. He was again moved to another Inquisitor's retinue shortly thereafter. Time with Inquisitor:Only recently transferred to his retinue Appearance: Height:5'10 Weight:213 lb. Pherik embodies the nickname"old dog". He is gruff, grumpy and tough as old leather (he's just as ugly as an old dog to). His face is a mesh of scars, burns and other marks of serious injury. The bridge of his nose is permanently bent, giving him a crooked nose after an ork nob punched him in the face. His two saving graces are his emerald green eyes and full head of silver hair (which he keeps a bit longer than standard issue length). He often wears his officer's cap instead of his helmet, though switches when in toxic environments, after all, why deprive his men of seeing his pretty face? [/hider]