Sel nodded in agreement to how the order of command would work given different circumstances, and as she suspected they had thought of everything just in case things went south, west or any other direction it was not really meant too. It took a little while for the meeting to wind down but soon enough they were directed to go and sort out their gear for the mission, which Sel had to admit got her a little excited given all the cool stuff she was given for this mission. Heck she hardly knew what half of it did so she really did take the opportunity to go and check over her equipment. - Time passed and soon they exited out of slip space, though Sel was far too busy to go and watch the first reports on what had happened she did take the time to contact Kaite.[color=fdc68a][i][b] "Hey, you doing ok? I wanted to check right after we exited that.. Hello?"[/b][/i][/color] She heard some comotion on the other side of the com, heck now she listened she could hear it nearly all over the damn ship! [color=fdc68a][b][i][b]"What is going on?" [/b][/i][/b][/color] Dashing out of the medical wing door the Vexi made her way towards the command bridge and she could hear the voices on the other side, voices of sheer horror. Her feet slowed as the door opened, her steps becoming heavy and load within the shocked silence that she also joined. Before her was a planet that once held millions of beings, now reduced to nothing more than a wasteland not fit for life. [color=fdc68a][i][b]"How?..."[/b][/i][/color] The only words that she could speak slipped past her lips as she walked beside Rayland.