[@AbigailTenshi] Koyo looked down towards the bed as Sai started to talk to her, at first expecting to be scolded about the whole getting hurt thing but instead her words were soft and understanding. The girls head raised up to look at her captain as she explained, a small smile crossing her lips as she was complimented on how she handled everything, but it was then that she realized that she had now told the captain everything. she didn't have a chance before given she really wanted to just get her wounds treated. She just hoped that the captain was fine about the fact they had battled two hollows not just one like she thought. Lifting her fingers and placing them together she looked down to them once again, a little worried smile coming over her lips as she spoke[color=fdc68a][i][b] "Uhh, well you see... It was not just one." [/b][/i][/color]Taking in a deep breath she looked like a kid trying to become brave for a moment before she started to answer the captains questions on the mission. [color=fdc68a][i][b]"Well you see at first we came across this large hollow, it looked kind of goofy looking and slow so Kento came up with a plan where he would attack and distract it while I supported him. It was super fast for something so big, but I went around behind and surprise attacked it but we were not able to completely finish it off at first, but we were completely fine. It was then that it turned up again, but it was not charging it was running... From another Hollow, one even faster but smaller. It ate the large hollow and even talked to us! It was when it attacked that my leg got cut."[/b][/i][/color] She got the first part out of the way but the next part is where things got pretty strange. [color=fdc68a][i][b]"It was so strange... The thing grew in size to something even bigger than the other hollow so suddenly, and then it cast a shower of what I remember are Bala? Thankfully we were able to finish it off after that."[/b][/i][/color] She left the part out on how she got the killing blow, after all it was not important. Taking a glance at the large zanpakuto beside her bed she then looked back to the captain as she moved onto how she think they did. [color=fdc68a][b][i][b]"I think we could have taken care of it very well if the other hollow didn't show up. We were willing to work together and everything but... Kento did have a habit for trying to take the front line a little too often."[/b][/i][/b][/color] She had always been placed in the back because of her size of herself, but most people tended to overlook the natural size of her blade being bigger than a common shinigamis so they never put her in any real danger. After all that happened she was worried that she was going to be placed in the back even more than before...