[quote=@Skallagrim] I'm not going to debate you on the points of science because it is your scientific interpretation of the observable consequences of these theories to make magic work except for the guns. Military/Law enforcement and civilian M4/Ar-15 (the most common rifle in America) have a selector switch; single shot or three-round burst. While you personally feel it is awkward as a restriction, the military and law enforcement as well as the gun manufacturers do not find it in any way limiting. The best option is never fight anyone with a gun. Simple as that. If you personally feel it is unfair and somehow more unbalanced than a character that can manipulate unseen energies to make magic work, or have characters that can move at incredible speeds or any of the other events that characters seemingly can do in these role-plays, that's fine. That is your option. [/quote] And it is an option I exercise liberally. I've also expressed my opinions on super speed on more than one occasion. For the science, it isn't really just my interpretation of things. You cannot equate standards set by an organization for safety with restrictions for balance in text combat - especially with your chosen one when it is merely an choice. Who would use such a restriction in text combat when they are actively trying to win? It also restricts a playstyle without addressing the actual problem at the tiers of combat that guns often can appear at. As I stated before, you do have higher levels of power where such a weapon is a non-issue. [quote=@Rilla] what do you feel are the underlying issues of firearms? [/quote] A lot of what Tuuj said. If you look at the end goal of firing a projectile that can yield a particular amount of damage, the guns provide exceptionally less effort and people are generally more willing to let them behave without restrictions like you could easily incorporate into a spell to make it balanced. Bullets move faster than many people are willing to let magic spells, while still requiring some kind of more complex preparation (incantation). They just move too fast and require little effort AND continue to persist at a tier of power where most of the abilities of others cannot compete.