[quote=@Skallagrim] Innue, have you been in a firefight? You know that is not true. Moving to hit a target is much harder then hitting a stationary target. A moving target requires you to move as well, to try and keep a shot lined up. If cover is involved and they make it to cover you now need to work twice as hard to get the shot as they ain't gonna sit still. [/quote] No, but I've shot enough at moving targets. Math also supports my statement. Of course it is harder to hit a moving target, but given the incredible aim [b]roleplaying characters[/b] have it is [b]entirely irrelevant[/b]. You are essentially requiring enough cover in order to balance the weapon and cover close enough to a person that they can reach it before they are shot. Throw in the extra items to force people out of cover that many have, the weapon becomes a problem.