[b]"You surely aren't implying the monkeys are out of there to kill us, right?"[/b] Rickie said, half in jest, half in worried sentiment. For the record, he better not do witty one liners [i]again[/i]. He seemed to suck this. He remembered what Kirrian said about focusing better. [b]"Actually, this whole thing feels odd. I mean, I have something into the corner in my mind, like it's clawing in there, ever since I came here."[/b] Rickie added to Kirrian. He continued walking along the path, wincing and pinching his nose. [i]How was it? I remember the voice, and then strange knowledge, are those related?[/i] He thought to himself, and then added to Kirrian. [b]"You know, i have to describe it like..."[/b] And then all that came from Rickie's mouth was ominous gibberish. For some reason, it felt natural, and very weird. He wasn't supposed to know arcane words before. And how [i]he did know[/i] about those being arcane words? Then, an ugly knot in the stomach built up, and Rickie tried to wave the anxiety off by waving his hands. [b]BOOOOM[/b] The fireball impacted clearly on a tree, which then promptly and messily made wood snapping sounds as it tilted and fell to the ground. Birds and monkeys, panicking, went scattered in every single direction. Rickie still had one of his hands on fire, but he wasn't registering the pain, he just stood still, processing the [i]utter nonsense[/i] of [i]magic[/i] he had just done. At last, a single sentence came from his mouth. [b]"MADRE DE DIOS!"[/b][sup]1[/sup] He stood there, mouth agape. He [i]finally[/i] managed to take notice on his hand which he frantically waved to put out the fire.[b]"AH!"[/b] He then stared at Kirrian. Then at the tree. Then at his feet. Then at the sky. Then at himself. Then at Kirrian again. [b]"What the hell did i just do...?"[/b] [hr] [sup]1[/sup] [i]Mother of God[/i]