Kirrian... Couldn't believe what the fuck just happened. All he's registering is his back against the rough bark of a tree and a mouth that doesn't want to close itself. "[i]Jeeeezus fuckin' [b]CHRIST[/b] Rickie, the hell did you just do?![/i]" The stutter from earlier had vanished as well as any anxiety the boy may have head, him double checking that it, yes, DID just happen. "I couldn't even hear that thing..." he suddenly mumbled under his breath. Kirrian tried to turn it off and sure enough, the crackling of wood rang in his ears. "...We should get out of here. No idea what this might attract." The boy seemed a lot more confident now, although still in awe... They hurried off farther down the road, breaking into something slightly faster than a jog. Then the settings of sound returned to him: Footsteps, Voices, Danger.