The cold water splashed and swam around him as powerful strokes propelled him forward. He dipped down, slightly turning his head and saw that instead of swimming in a straight line, Pongo had elected to take the diagonal route. Well shit. It was far though, Kei'taro, no matter what manner of beasts he hung out with was still based in human physiology. He was more durable, stronger, magical, and could communicate with animals he came across, but he was still effectively human. And that meant, well, he couldn't exactly dive as deep or as fast as an Emperor Penguin. He had to rely on short, steady, but powerful bursts to keep the race close. And if possible, he had to rely on his wits. Presumably, he could communicate with the leopard seals and the orcas, perhaps get them on his side to help win the challenge. He had learned from the race up a mountain, a contrast to diving deep in the water, that one had to incorporate more than speed and strength to win a race in an animals natural habitat. With that, he kicked off and propelled himself in a slightly diagonal manner. He didn't sacrifice much speed, but continued to regulate his breathing as he dove downward. His eyes danced from left to rignt, up and down, occasionally, looking for one of the animals in which to assist him. Either would do, and as it so happened, down below a pack of leopard seals swam gracefully - as if unaware of the participants above. Keeping station, he headed towards them and the pack of squids halfway between the floes.