[quote=Gonzo] I was watching Almost Human, and it gave me an idea for a drug.In the show, the drug is called Verum(Veh-rum). "It expands the mind, it opens it up to things in the universe that people are not supposed to see, enables people to realize their full potential."Now, I was thinking that the drug would have the same abilities, to some extent, but have horrible side effects. I would have to think about them, but I think something along the lines of continued use results in increased brain aging or something, so the brain would age so quickly, it dies out after a while, or something like that. Also, I think this drug would be more accessible to Alpha districts, and drug distribution would be run by the Mafia-type gang. And then somehow, it gets to the Beta districts. [/quote] Oh~ that reminds me of the drug from John Dies at the End. Have you ever read the book? A drug like that would be awesome. After drilling through google for a bit i found this description of it "unheard-of designer drug called "Soy Sauce," which opened both of their minds to the invisible network of sinister and supernatural happenings around them—manifestations of an effort by denizens from a horrible parallel reality to kick down the door to our own," Maybe not so much as supernatural but maybe psychedelic? I remember reading in the book that they could hear things miles away, see into the past of an object, read things and remember every single word while on the sauce and a bunch of crazy stuff i can't recall right now. You've prolly seen Limitless with Bradley Cooper right? That kind of drug sounds like the one you want us to have. As a side affect how about their body starts wasting away and eventually just leaving their mind in tact?